About IWAH

What we offer...

To the community:

  • A contact point and network for international women in the Hannover area
  • Efforts to promote understanding of different cultures
  • Volunteers and charity donations
  • Charity bazaar
  • A newcomers' guide to the city, "Surviving and Thriving in Hannover"

To our members:

  • An opportunity to meet new people and learn about different cultures
  • A forum for the lively exchange of ideas and experiences
  • An opportunity to serve the community
  • A chance to learn about the German culture and life
  • A network for those facing the upheaval of a move
  • A helping hand to get oriented in the Hannover area
  • A wide range of special interest groups and activities

What we do

  • Organize monthly meetings featuring talks on topics relevant to our members and for socializing
  • Visit museums, concerts and other local attractions
  • Celebrate international holidays
  • Publish the "IWAH Monthly" - an English language publication with news about IWAH members and activities, and information about events in and around Hannover
  • Welcome newcomers in small groups at coffee mornings and evenings


IWAH Steering Committee 2024

Contact us

Post office box IWAH e.V. Postfach 69 04 02
30613 Hannover



Instagram @iwah.e.v


info@iwah.de or simply use our contact form.

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© 2024 IWAH - International Women's Association Hannover e.V.