
Below you will find some information about the great variety of interest groups that IWAH has to offer. Whether you are into art, sports, cooking or crafting you will surely find something that appeals to you. Make sure to check our our monthly calendar to see what is currently going on in IWAH.

Getting Acquainted

  • Newcomers’ Welcome Coffee & Chat Morning/Evening - meets once a month to welcome all guests/potential members. 

Intercultural Focus: 

  • Welcome to my Country - give insight to the customs, culture, cuisine, landscape and other interesting aspects of the members' home countries.
  • Living in Germany - meet in the private home of the host to learn and discuss the many aspects of living in Germany.
  • International Cuisine - using a professional kitchen, participants prepare and enjoy foods from various cuisines as guided by the IWAH member presenting her country's foods. Each member shares a nominal cost of the ingredients.

Conversation Groups

  • English, French, German and Spanish  - the group coordinators of our many language interest groups are either native speakers or have a high level of fluency in the target language. 


  • Bridge - in-person and Online
  • Quilting 
    discividuo quilt and textile exhibits.
  • Charity Knitting
  • Handcrafting
  • Art Evenings - create your own inspired painting
  • Mah Jongg - learn to play the ancient Chinese tile game using the National Mah Jongg League official hands and rules. 
  • Singing - enjoy singing with others nostalgic folk songs.


  • Walk and Talk -  we take a brisk walk around Maschsee.
  • Tennis
  • Hiking Around Hannover - relax and enjoy nature in surrounding areas

Mothers Group

  • Mothers, Babies and Toddlers - fabulous group for new mothers that provides support to moms raising babies and small children, especially in the context of a foreign country.

Dining Out and Entertainment

  • Dinner Out - members meet to explore and enjoy the various cuisines and restaurants of Hannover. 
  • Couples' Night Out - members and their partners enjoy great food and good company for an evening of fun in the city.
  • Girls' Night Out - members who like to get out for a fun night in the town to explore a wide variety of activities - never the same venue twice!
  • Let's Talk About Art! - members meet for guided tour of art exhibitions and to discuss various forms of art and the artists.
  • Cinema - meet and enjoy a variety of movies, in original langusge with subtitles.


  • English Reading - read together short stories with wit and humor.
  • English Literature - discussion of award winning novels.
  • Women, Wit and Wine - discussion of the month's book selection.
  • The Pageturners Club - discussion of contemporary books of literary acclaim by international authors.

Special Events

Once a month IWAH offers a special event for its members such as guided tours to places of interest or day trips to other cities. Read about some of our past special events here.


If you would like to find out more about our activities, please contact our interest group coordinator

Contact us

Post office box IWAH e.V. Postfach 69 04 02
30613 Hannover



Instagram @iwah.e.v

Email: or simply use our contact form.

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© 2024 IWAH - International Women's Association Hannover e.V.